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Foyles bookstore is one of the most famous bookstores in the UK, and over a hundred years old. Foyles is now online too, with thousands of books to choose from.
Franklin Covey - Business accessories, Tablet PC and PDA devices ... The Smart Place to Buy & Sell Books, Music, Movies, Games & more...
Chapters, Canada: Books, DVDs, Video and more
John Wiley & Sons, Inc - Publishers Since 1807
Mills & Boon is probably the most recognised publisher of romantic fiction in the UK, forming part of the international Harlequin brand.
Powells Bookstore - Thousand upon Thousand of New and Used Books
Sheet Music Plus is one of the most comprehensive sheet-music retailers on the Internet.
Subscribe to the The New York Times for national & international news reporting
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WH Smith Online -the leading UK bookstore. More than just books, the online WH Smith store offers music, DVD's and much else.
Wilkinson Plus is the online store and catalogue from Wilkinson, the popular UK department store, offering furniture, house-hold goods and more.
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